I ended up writing 178 film reviews, 49 book reviews and 79 random/somewhat related essays. I collected the best of these in my book of the same name, Secure Immaturity: A Nostalgia-Crushing Journey Through Film. You can view and buy it here and here.
Praise for the book:
"A cannibal critique of cinema. He chews, he maws. . .he delivers".
--James McLean
"If you are a film buff . . . this book will definitely amuse you"
--Melissa, reader, Goodreads.com
"This is the FUNNIEST book ever! EVERY movie lover should read this!"
--Kelli, reader, Goodreads.com
Below is a piece I wrote for Back to Frank Black
Season 2 Overview
Here is my full archive for work done on Bleacher Report
Bleacher Report Archive (47 articles)
Here is my full archive for articles and comments completed on DRaysBay
DRaysBay Archive (3 articles)
I've guested on a few podcasts here and there, if I wasn't hosting them myself.
Secure Immaturity (co-host/co-creator; 33 episodes) (no longer available)
The Movie Show (guest, episode 14: Any Given Sunday) (link's audio no longer functioning but the info is still there and the episode is still available on iTunes)
MWC Gamers (guest (as Mulder United), episode 27: Hello Halo 3!)
Millennium Group Sessions (guest, episode 18: The Thin White Line and Special: Luminary)
Back to Frank Black (guest, episode 19: Lamentation Fan Panel)
The Paxton Configuration (host/creator) (four full audio commentaries)